Because Every Youth Deserves a Trained Leader
BSA Training Recertifications:
Keeping Scouts safe and keeping Scouting leaders up to date with current information and methods means some of the BSA’s training courses need to be retaken every couple of years.
We all know about Youth Protection training and National Camping School, but there are some others—including some that have recently been added to the list.
Below is a list of these courses and how often they should be retaken to be valid:
The volunteer leader training materials have been updated for the Boy Scouts of America. The result is a seamless training program that helps leaders easily graduate through the courses quickly and with little duplication. The package provides the district training committee with tools to achieve 100 percent trained unit volunteers. It begins with the existing Fast Start training, continues through This is Scouting (replaces New Leader Essentials), followed by leader-specific training for each adult’s role in the unit.
Here is a brief overview of the components of the training continuum:
- Cub Scout New Leader Training
This is the new Fast Start training for Cub Scouting . This is the first step for any new volunteer and should be taken immediately after a new leader registers and before he or she meets with any youth. - Boy Scout New Leader Training
- Venturing Fast Start Training
- Youth Protection On-Line Training
On-Line Youth Protection Training is a valuable resource, although our Council recommends that your first option be administered face to face with a Trained District Facilitator. For more information click on About Us on the Main Page go to District Services and find more information about training from your District web-site. - Venturing Adult Youth Protection Training
This link is to the Boy Scouts of America National web-site. The Training gives adults involved in the Venturing Program tools to help them protect youth members in their Crew along with other valuable resources. - Basic Leader Training
The new Basic Leader Training is comprised of two parts: This is Scouting (replaces New Leader Essentials), for all unit-level leaders, and New Leader Specific Training, based on the leader’s unit-level position.Basic Leader Training is designed for maximum flexibility. The sessions can be delivered over time – training on one or more evenings a week or month – or in a one-day training event that incorporates all program areas. It is suitable for large or small groups and may be presented to leaders of one or more units each time. Each district may decide the appropriate delivery method, keeping in mind that the focus is to remove roadblocks and achieve 100 percent trained leaders. - This is Scouting (replaces New Leader Essentials)
This is Scouting is an introductory session that highlights the values, aims, history, funding and methods of Scouting. It addresses how these aims and methods are reached in an age-appropriate style within Cub Scouting, Boy Scouting, Varsity Scouting and Venturing. Videos, discussions, and hands-on reinforcement are presented during the 90-minute training session. Ideally, all unit-based volunteers – Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity Scout, and Venturing leaders – take this session at the same time, so they understand that they are all striving for the same results with the youth they serve. Each leader completes This is Scouting training only once. - Benefits of This is Scouting
1. Better assists our movement in implementing the full Scouting program with chartered organizations.
2. Provides a better understanding of the advantages of encouraging youth and adult volunteers to move through the traditional program as their youth mature.
3. Creates an awareness of the different aspects of the Scouting program, which may result in leaders taking advantage of those programs for a child in a different age group. - New Leader Specific Training
Once a volunteer has a solid overview of the Boy Scouts of America’s values-based program, they can then begin training for their specific Scouting position through Leader Specific Training. This training provides the specialized knowledge a new leader needs to assume a leadership role. Because each course is designed for a specific leadership position, the training time varies. Leader Specific Training has been developed for the following positions and their assistants:
– Tiger Cub den leaders
– Cub Scout den leaders
– Webelos den leaders
– Cubmasters
– Pack committee members
– Scoutmasters
– Troop committee members
– Venturing committee members
– Venturing Advisors - Cub Scout Leader Specific Training
For Tiger Cub den leaders, Cub Scout den leaders, Webelos den leaders, Cubmasters, pack committee members. Training can be completed in one day or two or three evenings. The leader is considered trained when he or she has completed New Leader Essentials and the Leader Specific Training. - Boy Scout Leader Specific Training
For Scoutmasters and assistant Scoutmasters. The training is divided into four parts. The first three parts concentrate on troop operation and can be completed in one full day or three evenings. The final part, which focuses on outdoor skills, lasts approximately a day and a half, depending on the skill level of the new leader. The leader is considered trained when he or she has completed New Leader Essentials, Leader Specific Training and Introduction to Outdoor Leader Skills. For troop committee members. Troop committee training consists of the Troop Committee Challenge, which can be completed in three hours. A troop committee member is considered trained after the completion of New Leader Essentials and the Troop Committee Challenge. - Venturing Leader Specific Training
For Venturing Advisors, assistant Advisors, crew committee members. Training incorporates Venturing’s current adult leader training. It can be completed in approximately one day, along with New Leader Essentials. A Venturing leader is considered trained upon the completion of New Leader Essentials and Venture Leader training. - Impact of “Seamless” Training
– Increased awareness of all aspects of the Scouting program for youth.
– An understanding that the Scouting program at all levels has the same values and aims for youth.
– The values and aims are delivered in an age-appropriate program, utilizing proven methods.
– An ease and conveyance to leaders as they move from one program to another.
– Potential increase in membership in other programs, as leaders learn more about what is available in the full Scouting program. - Wood Badge
Wood Badge is the premier training program for all Scout leaders in the Boy Scouts of America. This includes all Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity and Venturing Leaders, District and Council Committee members as well as Professional Scouters. Wood Badge is designed to train adults using the latest leadership skills and techniques. The course will strengthen every volunteer’s ability to work with and lead groups of youth and adults. - Rock/Tower Climbing Training, Advice & Usage
– See for the latest
class schedule and information
– Tower Only contact Jeff Leschber, Tower Director at 469/360-4477; - Shooting Sports Training
– NRA Shotgun registration form, Clements Scout Ranch, August 25-26,
2012 (FULL)
– NRA Rifle registration form, Camp Wisdom, November 3-4, 2012
– Archery Level II registration form, Camp Wisdom, December 1, 2012
– Hunter Education, Camp Wisdom, information coming soon! - COPE Facilitator’s Training
TBD - Philmont Training Center
The Philmont Training Center (PTC) is the only national volunteer training center for the Boy Scouts of America. Since 1950, PTC has provided a unique environment for training volunteer and professional leaders, and a fun family program for every member of the family. Each year, more than 6,000 Scouters and family members attend PTC.
Philmont Training Center Information Sheet
2012 Philmont Training Center Conference Guidebook
Philmont Leadership Challenge Flyer
This camp is designed to provide you with a Philmont based wilderness encounter that motivates you to follow a life of helping others succeed based on the values expressed in the Scout Oath and Law.