What is the Troop Committee?
The Troop Committee is comprised of all scout parents willing to take part in assisting the scoutmasters and the scout leaders in running the Troop. Meetings are held throughout the year, approximately once a month, and are held at the same time as the troop meeting in a room located next to the old Fellowship Hall in LHUMC. You can tell when a meeting is scheduled by looking for “TCM” on the Adult Calendar located on this website. The Troop Committee chairperson runs the meeting and items on the agenda include discussion and approvals of major purchases, presentations and approvals of eagle service projects, presentations on upcoming treks by trek leaders, requests for parental help on upcoming activities and policy decisions about how the troop is structured.
If a meeting is scheduled the week before a campout a Dad’s Patrol Meeting will also run concurrently to discuss the needs and location of the upcoming campout. You need not show up in uniform, but a uniform is recommended so that we can set the example for our scouts.